Length: 3-minute read
A 3-minute study from Nehemiah
What is the first thing a leader must do during a crisis?
Make a plan.
(Oops… actually it’s prayer. After prayer, make a plan.)
Then a leader must communicate that plan clearly, comprehensively and extensively.
That is why in a war, the enemy will destroy and disrupt communications.
In a coup, they will take over the radio and TV stations (in the old days).
This is because without communication, there will be confusion and chaos.
So whether it is a church crisis or national crisis or a global crisis like a pandemic, COMMUNICATION IS CRITICAL.
The best communication is direct communication.
When Nehemiah was building the wall, he was not only brilliant in organizing, mobilizing and defending but he was also vigilant about Communications.
Nehemiah 4:18 (NIV)
18 and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. But the man who sounded the trumpet stayed with me.
Nehemiah made sure his Comms guy was beside him all the time. He made sure he had his trumpet with him. Today, we are not using a trumpet but Instagram, Telegram and Twitter.
(Trump’s trumpet is Twitter and he surely understands the impact of direct communication.)
Nehemiah 4:19–20 (NLT)
19 Then I explained to the nobles and officials and all the people, “The work is very spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall.
Two circumstances when Communication is vital: When the work is expansive and the people are separated.
Exactly like Heart of God Church (HOGC) now.
We are 5,000+ people and we are separated.
20 When you hear the blast of the trumpet, rush to wherever it is sounding. Then our God will fight for us!”
- Communication summons mobilization.
The people will “rush”—they will rally. It is the modern day Navy’s equivalent to “General Quarters!” or “Battle stations!”
- Communication gives direction.
The people will rush to “wherever it is sounding”. The trumpet is not an alarm, it is a call to action. If it is an alarm, people run away. When it is a trumpet call, people will rush to where the fight is.
- Communication provides concentration.
A concentration of sunlight can light a fire.
Communications will concentrate resources and focus the people on one single point to achieve a breakthrough.
- Communication enhances unity which calls in reinforcements—God Himself.
I saved the best point for the last.
Communication unites. And when there is unity, God enters the fight.
Everywhere in the Bible, we read that when the people are “in one accord” or “in one heart”, God comes.
The worst thing you can do in a crisis is to be polarized. Unfortunately, we see this happen all the time. Oppositions and opportunists will seize the moment to attack.
HOGC, if we want God to fight for us, we stay united.
To stay united, we must keep communicating.
Update: A year after writing this article, the principles still hold true.
In May 2021, Singapore experienced a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and went into another stay-home season. Our young people innovated and introduced LIVE Audio Services to the church. This new way of direct communication saw close to 3,000 members tuning in to the voice chat. In this season, our new Audio Service is my “trumpet”.
Beyond the reach, it is personal and organic. Some of our members said it was like having a personal phone call with the Senior Pastors. They loved it. Though we were separated physically, direct communication connected and united our church spiritually.
Pastors and leaders, you don’t have to be crippled by the crisis.
Keep communicating. This crisis can become a call to unity for your members.
Love the article! In the past few months, we may not have gathered as a congregation (well <50) but I have certainly not felt distant as a church member. More than the fluid initiatives launched for us, it was the communication that kept us close and to hear from Pastors yourselves. We may be a church of 5000 scattered, but are certainly united, running to the same vision as a church. Being in a University CG, I'm expectant for God to come as we are united with the same UR vision! Thank you SP for sharing these insights from the Bible! It's so real!
This article is not just a communications article, but it’s a leadership and life skill article. Information brings security and that’s just one of the principles that I’ve learnt through the multiple articles shared throughout this season. People goes into action or inaction when there’s information or the absence of it. This article shows that biblical teachings are applicable regardless of time – but what we do about it is essential! Going to take this article and continue to apply it – Learning so much from the articles and grateful for it!
This is so mindblowing! Unity is the factor that pulls any organisation together and forward. It is because HOGC is connected and we have an excellent system of communication between us that we can move together and be strong, and this is especially so in times of crisis. I’m so excited to apply this teaching into my life, to always be aligned to the vision God has given to HOGC. Thank you Ps How for leading the church through the crisis!
This article is simply spot on! In such unprecedented times, communication is indeed critical. Information gives security, and communication disseminates key information. Despite decentralising, we grew even closer and more united through close communication. Very thankful for that.
Personally experienced and saw this article come alive over the past few months of the pandemic. Through tight and creative communication by Pastors and the team, we were mobilized, given clear direction, and united. Our mindsets were lifted, the vision of the Church was translated, and we were all of one accord as we navigated the pandemic. Thank you Ps How for this article!
Wow, this article is so insightful. It really sheds light in an unprecedented time like this. One thing I am very thankful for is that in HOGC, we have such a close knitted system that allows communication to reach every single member. I’m amazed how no one falls through the crack! Yet, this is also an article full of foresight. It is so important to stay focused to the cause and vision. Even as I navigate through uncertain times like this, I want to apply this in every area of my life.
Amen, amen, amen! I couldn’t agree more. This is such a mindset shift. Communication is so important especially in such a time like this. I can’t imagine how much work it took Nehemiah to constantly communicate to the people in his time… But he made it work — even without technology. All the more…with the advancement in technology in our current time, we must be vigilant in our communication! If we want God to fight for us, we must stay united and keep communicating. Thank you Ps How for this article! It really lifted my mindset!