Length: 2-minute read
Laying on of Hands
(Warning: this is not a theological piece. It is just the musing of a pastor who has been socially distanced for too long.)
Since I was a Bible School student till now, I have always been puzzled about the principle of Laying on of Hands. Of all the 6 elementary principles/foundations in Hebrews 6, Laying on of Hands seemed to me the one that is out of place.
The other 5 are such deep, serious and weighty theological truths, right?
1. Repentance from Dead Works
2. Faith toward God
3. Doctrine of Baptisms
4. Laying on of Hands 🤚🏻
5. Resurrection of the Dead
6. Eternal Judgment
Laying on of Hands pales in significance compared to Eternal Judgment, etc… almost trivial.
It feels like a primary school subject among university dissertations.
Then Coronavirus happened.
Social distancing became the new norm.
Now I understand a little more about the infinite wisdom of God.
Could it be that God is saying that besides all the deep theology, the simple human-to-human contact actually goes deeper than we think?
Perhaps human connection is a bridge for the Holy Spirit?
Maybe human contact is helpful for spiritual impartation?
Laying on of Hands in the Bible is connected to:
1. Bestowal of Blessings
2. Commissioning for Service
3. Impartation of the Holy Spirit
4. Healing
One of the most important parts of Pastor Lia’s ministry is to Lay Hands on people and prophesy over them, especially youths.

She firmly believes that the Holy Spirit in kids is not a mini-Holy Spirit. It’s not like children have a smaller Holy Spirit in them compared to adults. So she made it her habit to “lay hands” on kids, teenagers and youths to pray and prophesy over them. The Scriptures say clearly in John 7:38-39 (the old KJV) that “out of the belly shall flow rivers of living water” so she would speak straight into their spirit (belly area). She explained to me that their young minds may not have matured enough to understand, so “I pray and speak directly to their spirit.”
(Excerpt from GenerationS, our book, launching in Summer 2021.)
In the new normal of Online Church services, Pastor Lia understands that High-tech cannot substitute High-touch.
Laying on of Hands is an important #NonDownloadable. Can’t wait for social distancing to be over, and we can Lay Hands to pray again!

This is so good! Many times, our minds are filled with doubts and worries. Alhough the message may shed some light but nothing can replace the spiritual encounter when our pastors lay hands and pray over us. All mental bubbles are burst, and our faith lifted up. Those 1-2 mins “touch from heaven” is definitely life changing. Can’t wait for the book!! Anticipation!!!
As a children’s church leader, I have no doubts that children do not have baby spirits! Though they may not fully understand everything yet as they are still growing in their maturity, they surely do not have mini-Holy Spirits! It is through laying of hands that the children have deep encounters with God. God surely moves in ways we cannot imagine! I can’t wait to be able to do this again once social distancing is over!
Love this short 2-min article! So much truth!
(And REALLY can’t wait for the GenerationS book!)
WOW, love this so much. The laying of hands is so significant. I remember being in a Worship Team rehearsal with Pastor Lia back in 2009 there was a God moment, when Pastor Lia layed her hands and prophesied over every single person on the team.
I still remember the exact words that Pastor Lia prayed, “God will strengthen these shoulder to carry His Presence.”
That was a pivotal moment in my life, and it will forever be engraved in my heart.
Fast forward 10 years, Pastor Lia is still praying and prophesying over a new generation worship team made up of 13-16 years olds.
There is such a tremendous power in the laying of hands! I can’t wait for social distancing to be over too!!
I really miss those in-person services when Pastor Lia would just lay hands on people and pray for us! I remember one particular service when Pastor Lia laid hand on me and prophesied that it’s a new season in my life. What Pastor Lia prob didnt know was that, that was a period in my life when I was going through a transition and I had so much worries and uncertainties. But that prayer spoke right into my spirit. Faith just entered my heart. And I am so assured of the direction that God was leading me to!
And WOW I just can’t wait for Summer 2021 because I wanna read GenerationS!!!! Super looking forward to it