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Since we launched The Pastor & Businessman Series, we’ve heard stories of people being impacted by the principles and wisdom in the articles. We hope these stories will encourage and inspire many others to carry the same heart—to give God the best in BOTH ministry and business.
By Chelsea Linardi, Assistant Brand Manager
Chelsea (third from right) with the team.
As an Assistant Brand Manager in Pastor How and Pastor Lia’s audio business, I’ve seen how the values of the company are embodied at every level.
I secured an opportunity for our brands to be invited to Singapore’s leading interior design, inspiration, and renovation portal’s homeowners’ festival. We would be the only audio business at the event. On paper, this was a great opportunity for the business: over a thousand homeowners would be attending. It was the perfect target audience for our brand! We would also get exposure to the platform’s loyal customers and online ads that would give us over a million impressions a month. Anyone would have jumped at the opportunity. But when my marketing director noticed the dates clashed with our church’s Christmas services—a busy and significant season in the church—her direction was clear: reject the offer. By joining the festival, our company staff who are predominantly Christians would be channeled to the event instead of attending and supporting our church’s Christmas services.
My marketing director shared a principle that she learned from our pastors: We are first a Christian company, then a business. This means that we constantly put God at the forefront of everything we do. This was not the first time. Pastor How speaks of another instance in the article:
We were once offered the distributorship of a popular gaming brand. It had potential for good sales but we declined. Because it is in conflict with our vision and values for youths. How can I possibly challenge youths to reduce gaming and at the same time be supplying them their gaming equipment?
From “My Journey to Becoming BOTH A Pastor & Businessman”
This was not the first time I’ve seen my superiors follow the example of our pastors and I’m sure it won’t be the last. They are not only God-fearing but consistent, and I know it’s because of the precedence set by the highest level of management – our pastors. In this business, God always comes first.
By James Ang, Sales Manager
James and Hui Ling at their wedding.
My wife Hui Ling, and I received the most touching wedding gift from Pastor How and Pastor Lia: a SG$20,000 interest-free loan and honeymoon trip to the USA. It was all paid for by their business. I never told anyone this but recently my family was going through a rough patch financially. The loan would help us tide over this season and free me up from working on the weekends. The honeymoon trip was simply to encourage us for working hard while serving in church. I remember pastors telling us that this is the purpose of their business—to bless others. It was a day both of us will never forget.
By Daniel Goh, Worship Leader and Full-time Church Staff
The cheque from Pastor How and Pastor Lia.
Recently, Pastor How and Pastor Lia asked to meet my wife, Isabel, and I. To our greatest surprise, they passed us a cheque for SG$10,000. We were moved beyond words. They wanted to bless us with seed money from their business for our first car.
Two years ago, Pastor How and Pastor Lia came for my masters graduation at Regent University in Virginia Beach, USA. While we were browsing for souvenirs at the bookstore, Pastor How got me a nice car key ring, and said that they believed that one day we will get a car of our own. Pastor Lia even filmed a nice video in the carpark with our rented car.
They knew that we were planning for a baby, and a car would come in most handy. As a musician, I also have a truckload of guitar equipment to lug around. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Neither Isabel nor I work in pastors’ company, so we were all the more grateful for this undeserved gift from their business.
Pastor How and Pastor Lia walk the talk and practice what they preach. It’s our greatest blessing to have grown up under their leadership.
By Dominic Leong, Full-time Church Staff
Dominic and Wei Ling in their brand new ride.
When the COE (certificate to own a car in Singapore) prices dropped, my wife Wei Ling and I wanted to take the opportunity to buy a car at a better price even as we were preparing for the next phase of our lives. We were preparing to take a 15% loan to give us more flexibility in our cash flow.
Pastors were very happy to hear that we were preparing for the next phase of our lives. So earlier this year, they offered to give us an interest-free loan from their business.
When we heard that, we were so moved! Wei Ling and I texted each other, “Did you see pastors’ messages?” We were so moved by how they treated us like family. Even now, the thought still gives me goosebumps.
I remember Pastor How once told me that Pastor Lia and his dream was that one day Wei Ling and I would be able to afford our own car. With this loan, that dream has come true!
I don’t come from a wealthy family. But even while serving God full-time, I’ve never found myself in lack or worrying about our finances. Now, on top of that, I’ve been blessed. I know this is not common and I don’t take it for granted that we have amazing spiritual parents whose heart is to provide for their staff team.
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